One Quick and Easy Meditation for Busy Moms
by Berni Kozlowski
Meditation’s most obvious purpose is to rest deeply, and to have an effective practice you must first drop any guilt and give yourself permission to rest. This is key for you as a busy mom. All else in this style of instinctive meditation follows more easily.
I Give Myself Permission to Rest
Read these words to yourself with some feeling in your belly. Then sit with the concept for about a minute.
“I give myself permission to rest. I welcome myself like a good friend, without judgement. I don’t have to solve, fix, or change anything or anyone right now.”
Practice this skill a few times a day, especially in times of transition between activities. It’s OK if you have thoughts or feel restless, the key is that you don’t have to DO anything about anything.
- It makes you less reactive and more responsive. Have you been irritable and impatient? This may be due to resentment from nourishing everyone but yourself. Take a few moments of “me-time” to re-set and be more responsive to life’s challenges.
- It builds resilience. The ability to recover quickly from set-backs allows you to more gracefully navigate life’s rhythms.
- It models healthy behavior for your children. By caring for yourself without apology, you are changing cultural expectations that a woman’s identity is based mostly on service to others.
“As a busy mom, I can now meditate a minute here and there. It’s been life-changing in a powerful yet subtle way, just by using simple skills.” – Wren Cook, Asheville, NC
“I’ve found that I’m less reactive, a better listener and notice more of the world around me.” -Katie Stadler, Alexandria, VA
Click here for a Free PDF of three more “One-minute Meditations for Busy Moms”
You’re a women who gives so much to those around you. To avoid feeling agitated or resentful, give yourself permission to rest even in short spurts, and spend some mindful moments with something that nourishes you! You’ll be more present to the world around you, to yourself, and to your loved ones!
Take care,